Infrared vs Coil Flash Dryers
Whether you’re starting a major screen printing business or if you’re just screen printing for fun, it comes down to one thing. You will need to cure the ink after it’s printed. This is where a fast and efficient flash dryer will make all the difference. The type of flash dryer you use is solely your decision. However, before you choose a flash dryer you should do a little research on the types to help you make your decision. Below are some helpful tips on the differences between the two most common flash dryers available:
Coil Screen Printing Dryer
These dryers feature a coil that looks similar to what you would find in your home oven. While inexpensive and a valid solution for hobbyist and DIY, these coils are notorious for having “cold spots” in between the coil pattern. This means two things. The first is that it takes longer to cure your prints. The second is that the cold spots will leave parts of your printed design not fully cured, which will then lead to the cold spots washing out, when the garment is washed. Both of these reasons are why professional screen printers opt for infrared flash dryers.
Infrared Flash Dryers
This is what all the professional print shops are using. Infrared flash dryers look like a solid panel, typically black in color. While typically slightly more expensive than coil flash dryers, the quality and efficiency they produce, and long lasting durability, drastically outweigh the price difference. They feature solid, fast, and even heating. Infrared flash panels offer a very tightly wound series of wires, which product even heat and eliminate cold spots. Infrared panels are also known to long outlast cheap coil units.
Either of these dryers will work for your screen printing needs. If you are on budget or just starting out, then you may want to start with the coil dryer. If your main concern is quality, consistency, and an investment that will last a long time, then an infrared flash is unbeatable.
Nevertheless Screen Printing Supply provides Made in the USA Infrared Flash Dryers. Contact us today for all your screen printing needs.