Xenon 903WR - Diazo Emulsion
Description: Xenon 903WR is a water resistant diazo mix emulsion recommended for the Plastisol and Water base inks.
Uses: Can be used with Plastisol and Water based Inks.
Instructions: First add room temperature water to diazo bottle, shake properly until diazo powder is dissolved and then add the diazo and water solution to the emulsion. Mix well, and let stand for at least 30 minutes to release any air bubbles. Apply to a degreased, clean and dry screen, using a scoop coater for easy application. Allow emulsion to fully dry, in a light safe environment, before exposure.
Exposure: Many factors affect exposure times. When using any emulsion for the first time, we recommend running a “step wedge or exposure test” to figure out your exact exposure times. This simple test will save you time, money and frustration. After figuring out your exposure time, try to eliminate all variables, such as location, temperature, coating thickness, emulsion type, so your exposure process can be easily repeatable.
Clean-up / Reclaiming: Emulsion Removers - Any Kor-Chem, Franmar or NTL Emulsion Remover.
Storage: Store in a cool area, away from heat. A refrigerator is a great storage tool for emulsion and can slightly extend shelf life. DO NOT FREEZE. Emulsion that has been frozen will not work properly and should be discarded. Do not allow air or outside light into emulsion container, as this can decrease product life, or ruin the emulsion.
Shelf Life: Opened: 6-8 months. Unopened: up to 1 year.
NOTE: Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity can cause emulsion to expire more rapidly. *ONLY USE THIS EMULSION IN A LIGHT SAFE ENVIRONMENT.